Courses, Playdays and Workshops

Over the years there have been courses associated with the Palace Band. We have now enjoyed several weekend courses in Lydd, Kent and the next is scheduled for April 2023 (exact date to be confirmed). We hope to have a week in Brittany in September 2023.

Caroline Franklyn ran the first Woodwind Weekends in Deal, Kent. Rehearsals were held in the town hall and an informal concert was given at the end of each course. Between rehearsals players had the chance to explore the town and enjoy the social side of the group.

Flautist Wally Morgan has arranged two very successful trips to Ceret, in the south of France which allowed the band to perform in two stunning venues as part of the Cherry Festival.

Benslow Music Trust

Stephanie Reeve, George Sleightholme and David Morris all coach regularly on courses at Benslow Music Trust, Hitchin. Further details can be found at

Steph and George also run the woodwind courses for Music4People's annual Summer School in Giggleswick, North Yorkshire. Further information can be found at